Following is a Snapshot of the Two-Year MEd Programme Structure
(As Approved in the NCTE Recognition Norms and Procedures, 2014)
The NCTE, New Delhi has recently introduced a new framework for the Post graduate program in Teacher Education M.Ed. and all the concerned stakeholders need to learn about it. A link is being provided down below so that the M.Ed Curricular Framework may be accessed.
M.Ed needs to be visualised as a professional programme for preparation of stage specialist teacher educators who can also work as curriculum specialists and pedagogues, policy makers, administrators and leaders, school level based specialists, specialists in the domain of education for differently abled, and the like.Down below I'm presenting the readers with a critical review on the same too. However the readers also need to read along with the Review and Reconstruction Document that NCERT prepared for the M.Ed program. Here a link is being provided to you all.
We need to examine the document carefully to check out whether the program has logical connections with the Undergraduate Teacher Training Program B.Ed. We need to check out its global parity as well to see how fortified it is going to turn out our teacher graduates.
हिंदी अनुवाद :
हिंदी अनुवाद :
एनसीटीई, द्वारा नई दिल्ली में हाल ही में अध्यापक शिक्षा (एम.एड) में पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट प्रोग्राम के लिए एक नया ढांचा पेश किया गया है और सभी संबंधित हितधारकों इसके बारे में जानने की जरूरत है। एक लिंक में M.Ed पाठयक्रम फ्रेमवर्क तक पहुँचा जा सकता है, उसे ऊपर दी जा रही है ।
M.Ed चरण को एक पाठ्यक्रम विशेषज्ञों और शिक्षकों, नीति निर्माताओं, प्रशासकों और नेताओं, स्कूल स्तर के आधार पर विशेषज्ञों, अलग विकलांग के लिए भी शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में विशेषज्ञों, और इस तरह के रूप में काम कर सकते हैं जो विशेषज्ञ शिक्षक प्रशिक्षकों की तैयारी के लिए एक पेशेवर कार्यक्रम के रूप में देखे जाने की जरूरत है ।
बहुत जल्द ही मैं भी उसी पर एक महत्वपूर्ण समीक्षा के साथ पाठकों को पेश करने के लिए जा रहा हूँ। हालांकि पाठकों को भी एनसीईआरटी M.Ed कार्यक्रम के लिए तैयार समीक्षा और पुनर्निर्माण दस्तावेज के साथ पढ़ने की जरूरत है। यहाँ एक कड़ी आप सभी के लिए प्रदान की जा रही है।
हमारे लिए M.Ed कार्यक्रम का स्नातक शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम, तात्पर्य (B.Ed.) के साथ, कोई तार्किक संबंध है या नहीं इस बात का अभ्यास करने के लिए सावधानी से दस्तावेज की जांच करने की जरूरत है । यह हमारे शिक्षक स्नातकों के लिए वैश्विक समता की तुलना में कितना और कैसे दृढ़ है यह देखने के लिए इसकी वैश्विक समता की अच्छी तरह से जाँच की जरूरत है।
Dear teacher trainers its a pleasure to provide you withthe new curricular framework designed by the NCTE, India. Whereas the whole curriculum and syllabus is being presented her there are quick links also on the home page that may be visited.
Program Goal: M.Ed
The 2-year M.Ed. programme is designed to provide opportunities for students to extend as well as deepen their knowledge and understanding of Education, specialise in select areas, and also develop research capacities, leading to a specialization in either elementary education
or secondary education.
Aims of the Two year Full Time M.Ed Program
As the Curricular Framework for the newly introduced M.Ed program outlines , the main aims (concerns) of the program are...
- Ensure professional preparation of the teacher educators do as to enable them to facilitate and conduct Initial Teacher Preparation As well as Continuous Professional Development of teachers.
- To develop a coherent perspective so as to enable them to make sense of education--its policies, systems, institutions, practices and processes.
- To develop Teacher Educator skills related to the independent study of literature.
- To develop in the future practitioners a deep and critical awareness of professional ethics and the ability to engage In and reflect on practice.
The major concerns (or objectives) of the programme structure proposed in the Report
- To help them acquire the knowledge related to teacher education, its philosophical underpinnings, organisation, methodology, and so on.
- To help them specialise in one or the other of such areas as – curriculum, pedagogy and assessment; policy and economics; leadership, administration and organisation; early childhood education; secondary education; and the like.
- To help them have a coherent perspective – socio-historical, political-economic, philosophical, and psychological – to make sense of education – its policies, systems, institutions, practices and processes.
- To develop in teacher educators skills related to independent study of literature, research, academic writing, professional communication and team work.
- To develop in the future practitioners a deep and critical awareness of professional ethics and an ability to critically engage in and reflect on practice.
Program Structure
For 4 Semesters+1 Summer Session: Total Credits 80
While conceptualising the credit apportions, the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) proposed by UGC should be adopted. The proposed programme follows the following organisation and credit apportionment format:
- Year 1: 16 – 18 weeks * 2 semesters + 3 weeks in summer
- Year 2: 16 – 18 weeks * 2 semesters + 3 wks in inter-semester breaks
- Total: 16 – 18 weeks * 4 semesters = 64 – 72 weeks; + 6 weeks for field immersion during inter-semester breaks = 70 – 78 weeks.
- Apart from the 6 weeks in the various inter-semester breaks, 7 weeks should be allocated to the field immersion.
- Each year should have a total of at least 200 working days exclusive of admissions and exam period.
Model Of The Program
The MEd Sub-Committee has outlined a model that has...
80 credits in total = 44 credits+ 20 credits+8 credits+ 8 credits
wherein you have...
44 for core courses, 20 credits for Specialisations, 8 credits for field internship (4 credits in a teacher education institution and 4 in the area of specialisation), and 8 credits for research leading to dissertation.
Components of the M.Ed Program
Put differently, the curriculum will have----------
i. Core courses (which shall have about 60% of credits) and
- Perspective Courses.........24 credits
- Tool Courses.......................08 credits
- Teacher Education Courses...04 credits
ii. Specialisation courses and dissertation with about 40% of credits. Wherein the trainee teacher will have to specialize in any one school level/stage.....
iii. Internship/Field Attachment:
that will be done in a Teacher Education Institution related to specialization carrying a total of 8 credits (4+4)
iv. Research leading to Dissertation that will be done in the related Specialization/Foundation .... carrying a total of 8 credits
All adding upto a grand total of 80 credits
- Elementary stage
- Secondary stage
- Senior Secondary stage..
iii. Internship/Field Attachment:
that will be done in a Teacher Education Institution related to specialization carrying a total of 8 credits (4+4)
iv. Research leading to Dissertation that will be done in the related Specialization/Foundation .... carrying a total of 8 credits
All adding upto a grand total of 80 credits
The taught courses will also have practicum components including workshops [even on aspects that go beyond theory courses such as self-development for mental and physical well being through modalities such as yoga, etc.], seminar and other field-based activities that supplement teaching-learning.
Each credit in a taught course is equated to one hour of teaching or two hours of seminars/ group work/ tutorial/ laboratory work/ practical work/ field-work/ workshop per week for 16 weeks.
(Thus, a 4-credit course entails 4 hours of regular teaching per week or as much as 8 hours of teaching and other programme activities. )
Critical reflection on gender, disability and marginalization should cut-across the courses in core and specializations. Similarly skills pertaining to ICT and educational technology should be integrated in various courses in the programme
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