greetings, visitors... .. this has long since been my thought to develop a page where the learners/ readers would get to know about the nature of teacher education elsewhere in the world. Been just occupied for a while.. hope it gets a welcome.
we shall see the kind of teacher education that is being offered in the developed countries and the third world countries separately under those heads:
Best if saw the names and the places graphically, the understanding would enhance greatly, hence this endeavor.
In UK you get a host of teacher education programs viz.. Agriculture Education, Art Education, Middle Years Education, Music Education, Kinesiology and Health Education, Elementary Education, World Languages, Special Education ( learner & behavior disorders/ Moderate & Severe Disabilities) Secondary education being one of it , called the STEM Education: The STEM Education program is an undergraduate certification program housed within the College of Education and the STEM Education Department. It represents a unique approach to teacher education and is the first STEM Education major in the United States. Through this program, you will earn a double major in STEM Education and a content major of your choice (math, physics, chemistry, or earth science) with secondary teaching certification (grades 8-12) in one or more state-certifiable STEM subjects in just four years (120 credit hours).
In Greece : Teacher training - basic and specialist teacher training
In Spain : Three types of teachers can be distinguished, according to the education level in which they teach: teaching staff in infant and primary education, in secondary education, and in higher education.
Teaching in infant education and in primary education requires a teacher certificate in the corresponding speciality, which is a four-years university degree with one of the following specialities: infant education, primary education, music, physical education, foreign language, special education or speech therapy.
Teaching at secondary level requires a post-graduate qualification. In addition, it is necessary to have a professional certificate of pedagogical specialisation obtained through doing a course on pedagogical qualification or a Master’s degree in education.
Senior lecturers are the group of university lecturers with the status of civil servants who gain access through the corresponding competitive examination. Their main tasks are teaching and research. Senior lecturers in universities hold a Doctorate degree, while senior lecturers in ‘university schools’ holds a Bachelor’s, Architecture or Engineering degree. There are three bodies of senior teachers:
A graduate degree is required to teach at secondary school level, as well as a one-year specialisation and traineeship in schools (TFA), undertaken after graduation.
[Taken from
The European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education is an independent organisation that acts as a platform for collaboration for its member countries in the field of special needs and inclusive education]

India has been classified as a developing country and our teacher education system need be compared with the those of the countries of its own kind and with those of the developed ones just to get a clearer picture of whether we are progressing or what.
(To be Continued)
we shall see the kind of teacher education that is being offered in the developed countries and the third world countries separately under those heads:
Best if saw the names and the places graphically, the understanding would enhance greatly, hence this endeavor.
In UK you get a host of teacher education programs viz.. Agriculture Education, Art Education, Middle Years Education, Music Education, Kinesiology and Health Education, Elementary Education, World Languages, Special Education ( learner & behavior disorders/ Moderate & Severe Disabilities) Secondary education being one of it , called the STEM Education: The STEM Education program is an undergraduate certification program housed within the College of Education and the STEM Education Department. It represents a unique approach to teacher education and is the first STEM Education major in the United States. Through this program, you will earn a double major in STEM Education and a content major of your choice (math, physics, chemistry, or earth science) with secondary teaching certification (grades 8-12) in one or more state-certifiable STEM subjects in just four years (120 credit hours).
In Greece : Teacher training - basic and specialist teacher training
and primary school teachers complete a four-year university degree in
universities’ departments of education. Secondary education teachers
complete a four-year university degree according to their discipline.
Special education teachers who work in the area of primary education are
graduates of the university departments of education. Having taught in
mainstream schools for a minimum of five years, they complete a two-year
in-service training programme in special education. Many of them have
also postgraduate degrees in special education. Special education
teachers who work in secondary education are university graduates of
different subject areas. Some of them also have a postgraduate degree in
special education. Most primary and secondary teachers working with
pupils with special educational needs have attended several training
seminars in special education, which are regularly organised by
universities or the Ministry of Education.
In Germany there is Basic teacher training as well as teacher training for higher Education courses
Training for primary school teachers takes 3.5 years at university.
For lower-secondary teachers, university training lasts 3.5–4.5 years
with two further years of practical training in school settings. For
upper-secondary school teachers, training takes 4.5 years at university,
with a further 2.5 years of practical training in a school setting.
Teacher training for all types of schools is regulated by Land legislation. Responsibility for teacher training rests with the Ministries of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder, which regulate training through study regulations and examination regulations. Examinations (First and Second Staatsprüfung) are conducted by the state examination authorities or boards of the Länder.
Teacher training institutions in Germany : Teacher training is basically divided into two stages: a higher
education course and practical pedagogical training. Teacher training
courses are offered at universities, (Technische Hochschule/Technische Universitäten, Gesamthochschulen) and teacher training colleges (Pädagogische Hochschulen). Practical pedagogical training in the form of preparatory service takes place in training schools.The basic entry for teacher training courses is the higher education entrance qualification Hochschulreife, which is achieved, as a rule, after attending school for 13 years and passing the Abitur examination.
In Denmark: you have the Basic and the Specialist teacher training: For teaching infants, teachers must have completed initial training
as teachers or educators, as well as a special one-year course in
special education at the Danish University of Education.
Teachers with specific course training provide special needs
assistance in primary and lower-secondary school up to the tenth grade.
Social educators with similar prerequisites may provide special needs
assistance in pre-school classes. The same applies to special needs
assistance in subjects or areas with co-ordinated education, pursuant to
the Folkeskole Act.
Special education follows the basic principle that if the teacher is
responsible for all the teaching of one or more pupils, they must have
completed a course of education qualifying them for the given task. If
teaching is a supplement to mainstream teaching in one or more subjects,
there are no particular qualification requirements. It is not formal,
but real qualifications that are important.
In Spain : Three types of teachers can be distinguished, according to the education level in which they teach: teaching staff in infant and primary education, in secondary education, and in higher education.
Teaching in infant education and in primary education requires a teacher certificate in the corresponding speciality, which is a four-years university degree with one of the following specialities: infant education, primary education, music, physical education, foreign language, special education or speech therapy.
Teaching at secondary level requires a post-graduate qualification. In addition, it is necessary to have a professional certificate of pedagogical specialisation obtained through doing a course on pedagogical qualification or a Master’s degree in education.
Senior lecturers are the group of university lecturers with the status of civil servants who gain access through the corresponding competitive examination. Their main tasks are teaching and research. Senior lecturers in universities hold a Doctorate degree, while senior lecturers in ‘university schools’ holds a Bachelor’s, Architecture or Engineering degree. There are three bodies of senior teachers:
- Senior teacher of secondary education, music and drama education, official languages education, and plastic arts and design studies: This professional holds a Doctorate or Bachelor’s degree and has at least eight years’ experience as a civil servant teacher.
- University senior teacher: This professional is a senior teacher at a different university, a senior lecturer at a university, or a senior teacher at a ‘university school’; the latter two must have three years’ experience and a Doctorate degree. Those holding a Doctorate degree, with a minimum of eight years’ experience, are exempt from fulfilling these requirements.
- ‘University school’ senior teachers: This professional holds a Doctorate degree. This group was abolished by the 2007 Organic Act Modifying the Act on Universities, but they have the possibility of being integrated into the group of university senior lecturers, remaining in their current situation or applying for the necessary accreditation to gain access to the group of university senior teachers.
A graduate degree is required to teach at secondary school level, as well as a one-year specialisation and traineeship in schools (TFA), undertaken after graduation.
[Taken from
The European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education is an independent organisation that acts as a platform for collaboration for its member countries in the field of special needs and inclusive education]
India has been classified as a developing country and our teacher education system need be compared with the those of the countries of its own kind and with those of the developed ones just to get a clearer picture of whether we are progressing or what.
(To be Continued)
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